Tuesday, February 10, 2015

UAE Falconry Festival

One of the national past times for the local population here is falconry (so is camel pageantry, but we haven't been fortunate enough to make it to one of those yet), as it in AWESOME. Adam loves the birds far more than I do, and I find it fascinating. Such agile and fierce creatures that absolutely enrapture and captivate us. There is an annual festival brings falconers in from all over the world, so you can catch a glimpse of how it is done from over 50 different countries.
The best part was the exhibition field where they would walk around with the birds (No, not just falcons) and then show them in action releasing them to "attack" a robotic rabbit.

The other awesome part was that some of the falconers allowed to hold and touch the birds. They are so beautiful.

I have a feeling that we will be attending many of these. I also know that, if we ever stayed somewhere long enough or were not so obsessed with traveling, that Adam would have a bird-of-prey to take care of. Especially with how much he loved our day with the falconry crew in Scotland.
Want to come play?